Encouraging students around the world working on the history of sport and physical education
Dario Nardini (Italy) and Taro Obayashi (Japan) are the Early Career Scholar Representatives for the 2017-2021 Council and are responsible for questions concerning Early Career Scholars. If you have any suggestions or questions do not hesitate to contact them at ecsrep@ishpes.org.
During the ISHPES congresses and seminars a social event is organized for early career scholars. This provides early career scholars with an opportunity to meet each other and begin academic networking with international scholars.
ISHPES council members are also invited to join this event and to actively exchange with the early career scholars.
The GIGLIOLA GORI AWARD is awarded for an unpublished essay of outstanding quality in the field of sport history. Eligible scholars must be a registered student (undergraduate or graduate) at the time of the Congress or Seminar or within one year of receiving a having graduated from a program of higher education. The essay must be submitted in ENGLISH and the text itself (including notes and bibliography) must not exceed 6,000 words. The main criteria for selection will be based on originality, the scientific quality of the research and the value of the study from the perspective of international sport history.
NOTE: As of the 2020 competition, applicants no longer are required to be registered members of ISHPES.
The award winner will receive the 1000 € prize, free registration at the Congress or Seminar and a year‘s membership to ISHPES. The winner’s paper will be published in The International Journal of the History of Sport and the winner, together with any other entrant whose work is recognized by the committee for its quality, will receive a diploma that will be presented during the Congress.
Information on the current competition can be found here.
Graduate students presenting papers at ISHPES Congresses or Seminars are eligible to apply for a travel grant from GERD VON DER LIPPE EARLY CAREER SCHOLAR FUND. The money will be divided among the applicants to help defray the costs of travel and accommodation at the conference. Exact amounts of the financial support will vary.
A graduate student requesting travel funds must make a request for a Gerd von der Lippe Early Career Scholar Fund grant at the same time as the abstract submission. Applications should consist of a concise letter from the prospective participant requesting a grant from the Gerd von der Lippe Early Career Scholar Fund, sent to the ISHPES General Secretary at info@ishpes.org.
–Be a current ISHPES member (Join here)
–Include applicant’s academic affiliation
–Include the name and email address of applicant’s graduate program advisor
Funding requests will have no bearing on the scientific committee’s decisions on panels, but funds will not be awarded unless the applicant’s paper is accepted by the scientific committee in a separate decision.
All recipients must register for the ISHPES conference in advance. This financial support will be disbursed to recipients by the ISHPES General Secretary at the conference. The winner of the Gigliola Gori Award is not eligible for financial support from the Gerd von der Lippe Early Career Scholar Fund.
This financial support will be disbursed to recipients by the ISHPES General Secretary at the conference.
Early Career students who present papers at ISHPES Congresses or Seminars are eligible for the ROUTLEDGE EARLY CAREER SCHOLAR PRESENTATION AWARD. The Early Career Scholar(s) who deliver the best paper presentations will be recognized at the end of the ISHPES Congress or Seminar and will receive £75 worth of books (of their choice) from Routledge.
Routledge Early Career Scholar Presentation Award winners will be selected based on the following criteria:
1. Paper topic contributes to the field
2. Presenter develops the topic well (organized, clear and concise)
3. Presenter’s vocal presentation is audible and engaging
4. Presenter’s PowerPoint slides are well designed (readable fonts, good balance of graphics and text)
5. Presenter handles audience questions/comments well (demonstrated greater depth of topic, discussion enhanced conference participants understanding of the topic)