Conference Venue Hokkaido University Conference Hall Kita 8 Nishi 5, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0811 Campus map
Opening Event (Thursday, August 20, in the afternoon): Exploring the Meaning of Inheriting Traditional Martial Arts in the Future “Immortal Age” (free and open to the general public) Modern society has drastically changed what it means to live a full life. The future of biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence will allow for a theoretically “Immortal Society,” where health, regeneration, and safety are such that people will completely expand the meaning of living a full life. Traditional martial arts offer both a philosophy of life, as well as the skills of death to its adherents. Moreover, since the dawn of civilization, war has shaped individuals, cities, cultures, and nations. How will the future “immortal age” inherit the traditional practices of martial arts? In this event, we will explore the meaning of inheriting traditional martial arts via actual performances, a keynote lecture, and discussion.
Optional Tour (Monday, August 24) Information about the three optional tours is available here [pdf]. Booking for the optional tours can be made from the ISHPES registration page (password protected; will receive password after registering for the 2020 ISHPES Congress).
As president of ISHPES I want to welcome you to ISHPES’s first online congress. Our decision was a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic which has had such tragic consequences around the world this year. ISHPES had the choice to either not hold a congress this year or to have a virtual conference. The chair of the congress organizing committee, Prof. Dr. Keiko Ikeda, convinced the ISHPES council to take this step into a hitherto unknown sphere. With Bruce Kidd (CAN), Evelise Quitzau (URG) and Martin Polley (UK) we will have excellent international keynote speakers, about 90 academic presentations and many more participants are expected. As usual, all continents will be presented. This enthusiasm and the numbers of interested participants show that it was the right way to go.
Probably, this kind of congress is a novelty for most of us and we will miss the individual discussions, contacts and exchanges after the presentations or during social events. Still, when seen from an academic perspective, it is important for the ISHPES community to hold together during such times of a crisis. An online congress enables us to exchange our research and especially give younger scholars a chance to present their works and include them into our global community. Our Early Career Student Representatives, Dario Nardini and Taro Obayashi have done a great job to develop two sessions for the Early Career students.
I want to express my deep thanks to the congress organizer, Prof. Keiko and her team to take this big challenge and organize this event that works across different time zones. I can only imagine what an effort it is to put together such a broad program and consider everyone’s needs. Another big thank goes to the JSSH (Japan Society of Sport History), for without their support such a congress would not have been possible.
Enjoy the conference!
President of ISHPES Professor Dr. Annette R. Hofmann
Dear Participants,
The spread of COVID-19 has affected everyone’s overall daily and social life. Our duty in securing people’s health and safety became not only the issue for the congress organizer but also all over the world where international participants live. The original idea of ISHPES 2020 was to provide the opportunity to discuss ‘sport history and interdisciplinary relations’ in the year of the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. Although the event of the Games was postponed, we are still expecting to discuss the proposed theme this year in our online congress.
The online congress will provide 5 channels composed of various sessions scheduled according to “Western time zone”, “Eastern time zone” and “Universal time zone”, considering each speaker’s local time. We will also have many interesting poster sessions throughout the congress period.
We look forward to the participation of audiences from every country and wish this congress to be the first successful attempt to link sport history scholars through worldwide digital sessions. Let’s enjoy this new experience together with the local Sapporo organizing committee, on August 22nd and 23rd, 2020.
Chief of Organizing Commitee Professor Dr. Keiko Ikeda, Hokkaido Univerisity
Theme: Sport History and Interdisciplinary Relations
Sport history has been closely connected with the various disciplines of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. Olympism also reveals the holistic philosophy of education combined with the various social fields. Modern sciences have contributed to the specialization of each discipline; however, this specialization sometimes results in diminishing arguments in a specific field and can obstruct interdisciplinary synthesis. ISHPES 2020 Sapporo attempts to explore a wider view on sport culture as cross-cultural, transnational, and multi-lateral production in nature, as well as indigenous and local components through historical study of sports with interdisciplinary approaches.
Opening Event: “Exploring the Meaning of Inheriting Traditional Martial Arts in the future “Immortal Age”
Modern society has drastically changed what it means to live a full life. The future of biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence will allow for a theoretically “Immortal Society,” where health, regeneration, and safety are such that people will completely expand the meaning of living a full life. Traditional martial arts offer both a philosophy of life, as well as the skills of death to its adherents. Moreover, since the dawn of civilization, war has shaped individuals, cities, cultures, and nations. How will the future “immortal age” inherit the traditional practices of martial arts? In this event, we will explore the meaning of inheriting traditional martial arts via actual performances, a keynote lecture, and discussion.
Important Dates and Instruction for poster and oral presentation:
Poster Presentation: upload your presentation file by August 15. Your poster presentation must be uploaded by PDF within the volume of 10 MB. Your contact email address must follow your name written in the presentation file for the purpose of online discussion. Please upload your file here.
A 20-minute Oral Presentation: upload your presentation file by August 15. Oral presentation in terms of Power Point is preferable. However, any media is acceptable including your live performance. You can attach ‘Audio’ or ‘Video’ functions in your Power Point presentation, although it is not necessary to do so. Please keep it in your mind that the audience can watch each recorded oral presentation after your live performance during the whole congress period. Please upload your file here.
Confirmation of your presentation on the final schedule is contingent upon receipt of the presenting author’s registration and full payment of fees by July 31st. You must attend online congress and present the paper at the conference in order to be included in the program and the volume of digital abstracts. Registration fees: open from June 12th. Presenting authors are required to register and pay fees by July 31st. At that time, your presentation will be dropped from the program if you are not yet registered with fees and annual ISHPES membership fees paid in full.