Dear ISHPES Members,
A couple of days ago we organized our first Online Congress. Many of you participated and I would
like to thank the head organizer, Keiko Ikeda and her colleagues from Hokkaido University in Sapporo,
Japan, for their excellent work. You can all imagine the challenge of the various time zones. Presently
all registered persons can watch all the presentations again until September 14th. They have been
contacted by the organizing committee and know how to access.
I also would like to acknowledge the work that our two ECS representatives Dario Nardini and Taro
Obayashi have done to put together two sessions for ECS.
Certainly, it was not the same seeing colleagues in persons, but it was a possibility in these difficult
times to exchange our research. Especially for the Early Career Students it was a good way to present
their works. To give you a few statistical numbers: We had
- 68 papers
- 14 posters
- 145 registered persons
- 154 requests for the access including non-registered invited guests and executives.
- 33 general visitors in person who watched “public viewing” at the university conference hall.
- Therefore, the above statistics show more than 187 persons watched the congress.
- Highest access number of the session was 80 for the opening event and symposium, an average of 72 persons participated in three keynotes and 51 persons still participated in the closing ceremony.
- Highest access number of the general oral presentation was 29 (Olympics) in 5 parallel sessions and the average number was 16-20 (note: depending on the number of parallel sessions run at the same time).
Nationalities of the 145 registered participants (*invited speakers are not included in this list.)
Argentine | 1 |
Australia | 1 |
Austria | 2 |
Belgium | 2 |
Brazil | 5 |
Canada | 5 |
China | 2 |
Colombia | 2 |
Czech Republic | 2 |
France | 1 |
Germany | 4 |
Hungary | 2 |
Israel | 1 |
Italy | 1 |
Japan | 68 |
Norway | 2 |
Republic of Korea | 11 |
Slovenia | 1 |
Spain | 1 |
Sweden | 2 |
Taiwan | 12 |
United Kingdom | 7 |
United States | 9 |
Uruguay | 1 |
I do feel a bit sorry, that we could not present our awards the usual way. Our Canadian colleague
Bruce Kidd who presented us an excellent paper with insights into his own career: “From Tokyo 1964
to Tokyo 2020: Reflections of an Olympic activist”, received the ISHPES Award. I would like to thank
him again. Evelise Quitzau from Uruguay gave the Routledge Keynote. She chose the topic “Sports
History in Uruguay: Physical Culture and Entertainment Market Outside Montevideo”.
As many probably noticed ISHPES did not held a general assembly. The next one will be held at the
next ISHPES congress which will be a joint congress with CESH (European Committee for Sport History).
We are thankful that they agreed that we can join them from September 13-16, 2021, in Lisbon,
2021 is an important year for us, we will have the election of the council, vice-presidents and
Before I close, I want to mention that there will be a special issue again on the Congress papers of
Sapporo. Everyone interested can submit a paper. There will be a double-blind peer review process.
See this page for more information.
Many greetings and I hope to see you all next year in person again

Annette Hofmann
ISHPES President