Call for Abstracts
We are happy to welcome you in the Federal University of Paraná for the 2024 ISHPES Congress – Cultural transfers and circulation of knowledge: debates and controversies in the history of physical education and sport.
Scholars are welcome to submit individual presentations or suggest thematic sessions following the congress’ subtopics:
- Local/global aspects of sports and physical education
- Physical education and school systems
- Gender issues and diversity in sports and physical education
- Sports and the construction of social boundaries: race, nation, class
- National and international sports and physical education institutions
- Sports, physical education, and scientific debates
- Sports, physical education, and national identities
- Sports, physical education, and nature
- Methodological issues in the study of the history of sports and physical education
- Open papers (only for individual presentations)
Important: You must be a current ISHPES member to submit and present your individual paper or thematic session. For information about membership, visit https://www.ishpes.org/membership
Guidelines for Individual Papers
Individual papers consist of 20-minutes oral presentation. The official language of the congress is English. Presenters must be ISHPES members (if you are not a member yet, please fill out the membership form online).
The submission must present:
- Title
- Name, institutional affiliation, and e-mail of the author(s)
- A 350 words (maximum) abstract of the proposed paper including: the question(s) addressed, the evidence used, a precise statement of the argument and conclusions.
- Please specify also to what subtopic your abstract is related.
Guidelines for Thematic Sessions
Scholars are invited to suggest sessions including three abstracts related either to the main topic or one of the subtopics (except open papers). The scholars participating in the thematic session should be from at least 2 different countries.
The submission must include:
- A title for the session.
- An abstract describing the session.
- Name, institutional affiliation, and e-mail of the session organiser.
- The title and abstract for each paper, following the same guidelines of the individual papers.
The Gigliola Gori Junior Scholar Award
The Gigliola Gori Junior Scholar Award is awarded for an unpublished essay of outstanding quality in the field of sports history. The award winner will receive the 500 € prize, free registration at the Congress and a year’s membership to ISHPES. Their paper will be published in The International Journal of the History of Sport.
- Eligible scholars must be an ISHPES member and a registered student (undergraduate or graduate) at the event or within one year of graduating from a higher education program.
- The essay must be submitted in English, following the International Journal of the History of Sport guidelines.
- The essay must not exceed 8,000 words (including notes and references).
- The selection will be based on originality, scientific quality of the research, and the value of the contribution to the field from the perspective of international sports history.
- Essays must be submitted to awards@ishpes.org, Chair of the Awards Committee. The deadline is February 28th, 2024. The award will be presented at the 2024 ISHPES Congress.
Gerd von Lippe Junior Scholar Award
Graduate students presenting papers at the ISHPES Congress can apply for a travel grant from the Gerd von der Lippe Junior Scholar Fund. The money will be divided among the applicants to help with travelling and accommodation costs during the congress. The request should be made at the same time as the abstract submission.
To apply to the Gerd von der Lippe Junior Scholar Fund, the student must:
- Be a current ISHPES member.
- Write a concise letter requesting the Gerd von der Lippe Junior Scholar Fund, including the applicant’s academic affiliation and the name and e-mail address of the applicant’s graduate program advisor.
- Send the letter to ISHPES General Secretary Dr. Sandie Beaudoin at info@ishpes.org.
- Please note that the funds will only be awarded if the applicant’s paper is accepted by the scientific committee, which works separately from the Gerd von der Lippe selection process.
- The financial support will be distributed to the selected students by the ISHPES General Secretary during the congress.
- The Gigliola Gori Junior Scholar Award winner is not eligible for financial support from the Gerd von der Lippe Junior Scholar Fund.
Submission Schedule
The period for submissions will be from February 1st to 28th via conftool.
The results will be published from March 25th.
If you have any questions, please contact ishpes2024@gmail.com
We look forward to seeing you in Curitiba!