Dear ISHPES Members,
At the closing of the year I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your interest in our society. Although ISHPES might not be the biggest organization, it is internationally known and appreciated in our academic field.
This year we elected a new council. Some of our long-time council members decided not to candidate anymore. I would like to thank especially Gigliola Gori and Leena Laine again for their devotion for ISHPES and their work over the years.
The new council will develop new ideas and projects so we can continue to push ISHPES forward and make it even more visible within our academic field. I am also glad that Sandra Heck will continue her work as our General Secretary.
I also like to mention that I am glad we do have such a great amount of Early Career Students (ECS) interested in our organization, and I am sure that our new ECS representatives Dario Nardini (Italy) and Taro Obayashi (Japan) will do their best to even enlarge this interest.
Many of you are prominent scholars in your countries and above. If you have received special honours in the field of sport history/cultural studies of sport or similar and you think it is worth spreading these news through our newsletter, please tell us. Also dates of sport history or related conferences, symposia etc. organized by you or your department can be sent to the ISHPES General Secretary, Sandra Heck, or me.
In this context I would like to congratulate Gertrud Pfister, former ISHPES and ISSA President, who received the Service Excellence Award from the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport.
The year 2018 is approaching. With this our ISHPES Congress will be held from July 18-21, 2018 in Münster, Germany. The head organizer is our long-time member Michael Krüger. We are planning a special session for short book presentations. So if you have some new publication(s), this might be the time to present them to an international audience. Please, also be aware that you can submit not only individual papers but also sessions. Please get in contact with me if you have any questions about this. The abstract submission is already open.
There will also be the possibility to submit your conference paper to our special ISHPES issue published by the International Journal of the History of Sport (IJHS). However, all submissions will go through a review process. This is also the moment to remind the participants of this year’s congress in Alexandria, Egypt, to submit their paper for 2017.
I wish you the best and a happy New Year!
See you in Münster,
Annette Hofmann
ISHPES President